Steve's Japanese Blog of Doom

Monday, July 11, 2005

on this update

the blog has been neglected like a bad stepchild as of late so ive done a big update here for all of my 2 internet fans. in this update i may refer to a few or all of these pieces of information:

1) my summer plans include:

i) going to tokyo for 5 days. ive booked a ryokan for myself, amanda, and her best friend claire who is flying into japan for 2 weeks for the summer vacation. when were there well meet up with paul, mike, and steve who will be coming up from osaka and kyoto.

ii) climbing mount fuji after tokyo is done

iii) buying a japanese rail pass and doing some day trips in the week before i go to tokyo (i get 2 weeks of summer vacation starting on august 5...the tokyo trip is in the second week and so will fuji)

2) i have to move again thanks to a variety of factors...the biggest of which being the idiot expat housing agent who continually screws us over. i live in higashi betsuin now, just south of downtown...ill be moving near nagoya station with paul and mike which will be just east of downtown but an even more central location to everything. the room will be basically the same except that we will get cnn and espn for the tv and wont have to worry about making too much noise anymore. another factor is that eamon, one of the roomates, had to quit ecc and move back to canada because his dad is sick. its sad and him leaving was a bit of a preview of what itll be like when everybody eventually parts ways at some point in the future.

3) from july 22-24 ill be doing a summer camp in nagano for ecc. i have visions of animare and happy kids dancing in my head. if itll be half of what animare was ill be happy. on the positive side, ill make as much from 3 days of japanese summer camp as i made for 30 days of czech summer camp. and i get to miss 2 days of work and go to camp instead, which is always a plus. theres about 6 teachers going on this camp, including amanda, one of the trainers, a teacher i havent seen since training, ect.

4) i bought tickets for an oasis concert during the summer vacation. itll be my first japanese concert experience so im pretty psyched. actually theres huge rock festivals taking place in the summer in tokyo, osaka, and niigata but this one seemed like the best bet because its actually in nagoya in an outdoor venue, its cheaper, and you get to see the main act instead of biding time through a bunch of acts you either arent interested in seeing or have never heard of before. i think its literally a dream come true for amanda so i dont think anybody is more excited in nagoya than her for it but im also rather happy to go so it should be good fun.

more later.


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