Steve's Japanese Blog of Doom

Sunday, May 15, 2005

on home construction

so ive been helping amanda move to her new place for the past day or so and i must say that im rather proud of my ability to construct bookshelves and clothing racks using only my bare hands and a screwdriver. the japanese are all about the space savers in homes so the shelving is dirt cheap and of good quality.

on a related note, the girls had a housewarming party at their new place last night, and while the attendance was quite good and good times were had by all, apparently the police were called in at the end of the night. that happened about a month ago at my place (before i actually lived there of course). it seems that the japanese are willing to take a certain amount of noise and disturbance until they get fed up. and when they get fed up they are too polite/shy to knock on the door; instead they just call the police. i dont even think we were being that noisy.


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